rotating globe

Medical Emergency
Call 108 Ambulance Call 104 TN Medical Helpline

Government Hospitals

Types of Ambulance

  • Patient Transport Ambulance
  • Basic Life Support Ambulance
  • Advanced Life Support Ambulance
  • Air Ambulance (Helicopter / Aeroplane)

*Last updated: This list was collated and verified by News of Chennai on November 06 12:10 AM AM

How to Perform CPR & Use AED

Warning: Call 108 / Ambulance before doing CPR

CPR or Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation is a simple first-aid process to revive a person who has stopped breathing. Use CPR when an adult is not breathing or when they are only gasping occasionally, and when they are not responding to questions or taps on the shoulder.

This can happen due to a heart attack, a stroke, electrocution, drowning, or poisoning. In these situations, their heart stops beating. CPR can help restart their breathing and heartbeat.

CPR Steps
AED Usage

How to Use a Defibrillator (AED) - Watch Here

For detailed guidance on using a defibrillator (AED), you can refer to the following resources:

Watch AED Tutorial